On Thu, 28 Feb 2002 09:25:47 -0800 (PST) MindBender <ephlodur@rocketmail.com> wrote:
my system... if now I reinstall I don't learn anything by the way do you know the command to reiserfs to fix a trouble disk
It's reiserfsck , probably use it with the -x option. Look at man reiserfsck. If you are worried about script-kiddies, maybe you should watch what ports open up after you get her back running. I use a simple script called "claymore" to do md5sum's of all important files, it's alot easier than Tripwire. You really should use something like that, so you can run integrity checks of your files. -- $|=1;while(1){print pack("h*",'75861647f302d4560275f6272797f3');sleep(1); for(1..16){for(8,32,8,7){print chr($_);}select(undef,undef,undef,.05);}}