Hi all, I've got a weird problem with a 9.3 box. After running for a few hours, the system clock seems to start running extremely slowly - about 1 second for every real 5 seconds. Next time it happens I'm going to check on the hardware clock with hwclock, but I would be very surprised if it is out - I think this is a software problem. The system is fairly basic - it's a firewall using Shorewall and a mail server using Dovecot and sendmail, no GUI at all. Kernel version installed (with the non GPL stuff as well) is, SMP version (it's a hyperthreading box). Does anyone have any ideas, or suggestions for how best to troubleshoot this one? Regards, Danny Smith Midrange Software Design http://www.msd.net.au 61-7-3368-7888 Midrange Software Design Pty. Ltd. does not represent or warrant that the attached files are free from computer viruses or other defects. The attached files are provided, and may only be used, on the basis that the user assumes all responsibility for any loss, damage or consequences resulting directly or indirectly from use of the attached files. This email is confidential. If it includes quoted prices, unless otherwise stated, validity is 14 days from the date of this message. Sales tax, GST and delivery charges are excluded unless noted. Acceptance of any quotation or order is subject to MSD's usual terms and conditions of sale.