On Mon, Sep 05, 2005 at 12:32:50AM -0600, Andreas Girardet wrote:
In my opinion this discussion needs to start now for us to have enough time to come to a clear consensus, convince most and create the foundations for years to come.
Soory for the long post. In short: This is about pro-active looking for programs to put in the packager. My main concers is that there will be Fedora, Mandrake and SUSE packages out there. They are all rpm's and at least the ones I used from fedora or Mandrake seem to work just fine. I am not familiar with eitehre Fedxora or Mandrake, but would it be feasable to see what wither has and the openSUSE packager has not? Se could just look or perhaps even just copy them (as long as this is allowed by the licences of said packages) Perhaps we could even look what debian has to offer. THis to do a pro-active search for rpm packages. Another way and place to look for packages is freshmeat. On the first page it gives updates of software. This could be used in first instance to fill in software. e.g. GNU gengetopt 2.14 is standing at top of the list as the latest update. As we have NO packages in openSUSE packager (openPACKAGER? :) ) we could grab it and start with that. Package one added. The next packages that comes along will be non existing and added as well. Now when GNU gengetopt 2.15 comes by, we see that 2.14 exist, so we can add it. I am not sure how much of this could be automated or how much need human intervention. One could use the rss as a basis. That explains the licence and gives the link. The link then gives the Tar/BZ2, RPM package, CVS tree and what not you might want. That means you can get stuff directly from the source. Some examples that came in with RSS. These are the links to the packages itself on freshmeat: http://freshmeat.net/projects/perlboxvoice/?branch_id=45586&release_id=20593... That one has Tar/GZ, Tar/BZ2, RPM and DEB packages. You could either use the sources or the rpm directly. http://freshmeat.net/projects/lpgr/?branch_id=22027&release_id=205938 No direct link to the source file, so human intervention is needed to tell what the correct one is. http://freshmeat.net/projects/iozone/?branch_id=4504&release_id=205935 has TAR/GZ and src.rpm files directly linked. Either could be used http://freshmeat.net/projects/hextk/?branch_id=37356&release_id=205929 Only has a tgz file. The advatange is that the developers don't have to wory how to be included and we don't have to worry we miss something that is already on at least freshmeat. I could see it working on a semi-automatic basis Check rss for GPL software | Is it GPL (or other usable) -> No -> check next Alo on the page check OS, programming language and the like | What links are there |________________ RPM -> Use that | |________________ rpm.src -> Use that | |________________ tgz, bz2 and the like -> use that | |________________ unknown -> ask a human for the correct URL The last could be done by a link to an HTML page where the remaing info can be added by a humang being. That human is either anybody, or a group of admins. This is brainstorming and I can see that a LOT of ways that it won't work. It could be something that grows and we could just start with the humans getting it all in. From that point on you could see what repetetive moves are done and those could be automated. Another place to look might be the dep repisories. As I says, I am thinking about pro-active looking for things to be added to the packager and not just waiting for people to add stuff. This should be done TOGETHER with people adding stuff. By no means should this be a replacement for people adding stuff. -- houghi http://www.opensuse.org/index.php/Making_a_DVD_from_CDs