Hi, I am probably missing something obvious, but after installing SuSE 7.0 personal I attempted to run vmware, which led to running vmware-config.pl which then informed me that I didn't have the SMP kernel headers installed required to compile for my SMP kernel. So I go to the CDs and can't find the kernel source packages that I am familiar with under RH, so I go to the SuSE site and still can't find them. My question? Not sure. Probably many. I do like to recompile the kernel for various patches etc so I'd like to get my hands on the 'correct' kernel sources. I write 'correct' because during install I noticed that there were the headers, then there were the suse headers. Has SuSE modified the kernel to the point that they need different headers? What is the extent of this? I need to know the framework I'm working in here and would definitely like to get kernel source/headers that will work 'correctly' with my SuSE. Sorry if this is vague but I find it pointless to overdefine a problem I don't fully understand. Any feedback welcome! Rgds, Marty mgalyean@effsols.com