Anders Johansson <andjoh@rydsbo.net> [Sat, 2 Nov 2002 05:37:16 +0100]:
I don't think it's a binary/open source issue.
Partly it is. Just one example: the open source nv driver accepts modelines the closed source nvidia driver rejects, without any documentation what-so-ever as to why.
X is designed?
Nice try :-) But things like DRM or the module loader in XFree86 are indeed designed.
Linux has to support both if 'regular' windows users are to be won over.
It does! But given that no one besides the vendor con look inside a closed source driver, it's impossible to say if the vendor is doing it right or not. I know of at least one closed source driver which does things that would cause an open driver to be rejected the instance it would hit lkml. I don't claim that this is always the case, but who can control it, given that there is no source to check?
The fact that the kernel *still* doesn't have a stable ABI to support vendor provided modules on CDs shipped with the hardware is to my mind the biggest disgrace in the kernel design.
The linux kernel is still a moving target and as such a stable API is impossible. For instance there is a discussion over changing the handling of modules to eliminate many problems the current interface can't handle (like safe removal of a module in a preemptive kernel). If a stable API had already been introduced, such changes would be nearly impossible.
I have no ideological reasons for using linux,
Neither have I. At least besides the fact that linux gives me more freedom to mess around with things :) For me as a developer/hacker, Linux is a huge playground that also allows me to earn my living :) Philipp -- Philipp Thomas work: pthomas@suse.de Development SuSE Linux AG private: pth@t-link.de