On Sunday, July 24, 2005 @ 4:40 AM, Carlos Robinson wrote:
The Sunday 2005-07-24 at 00:19 -0800, Greg Wallace wrote:
Am I missing something here, or is DVD-RAM just a poor choice of terms by these folks?
Many of those terms are not consistent with one another, like the classic RAM and ROM. It could be "Random Access Media" as John says - that would be appropriate, I think.
- -- Cheers, Carlos Robinson
Yeah, maybe that's it, but I think they're bastardizing the term. When a term has been around as long as RAM has, you'd think they'd come up with something else. The same would go for ROM or any number of other terminology that's been out there for many years. But I guess using the term RAM makes it "hotter" sounding. Sounds like a pretty handy type of storage, though I believe you can install software that makes regular DVD's direct access. Then you can use direct on some disks and sequential on other ones. I know such software exists for CDs (from Roxio, I have it), and I just assume it also exists for DVDs. Greg Wallace