Is there anyone here with Mint 17 experience along with SuSE experience. I have been trying Mint 17.3 and find myself comparing to what I know with SuSE, I guess since I have worked with that a lot longer. I am installing a new Nvidia 960 video card on a Mint 17.3 system and am running into problems that I once could solve easily. After some Googling and searching this list, I may have some answers but I am hoping that someone here can tell me if I am on the right track. One thing I don't know with either system is how do I get the system to recognize the new card and reconfigure the xserver for the new card? How is this done with SuSE (I haven't tried it yet)? In all my searching so far I haven't found the method for Mint either. I downloaded the 960 driver from Nvidia but the instructions said I have to be in text only with no xserver. I spent a few evenings on that problem with Mint. Most forum suggestions seemed very old and useless for the current Mint. The one that finally worked was to tamper with /etc/default/grub, changing three lines so now it boots and stays in text mode and I can run startx if I want to. I see from this list that systemd has changed the runlevel concept and now the method for SuSE (if I understand correctly) is systemctl set-default Is this correct? Is YaST System->Boot Loader->Boot Loader Options just another way to accomplish that? It seems that Mint 17 doesn't yet have systemd so am I correct in understanding that for Mint I tamper with /etc/default/grub while for SuSE I use the systemctl method? One forum (don't remember which forum) post that suggested the grub tampering that worked for me said that I must also do the systemctl in addition to the grub tampering. Does SuSE have the /etc/default/grub and if so, would I have to tamper with that in addition to the systemctl? Damon Register -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail: