On 11/26/2003 05:48 PM, Richard Bos wrote:
If you own the dvd you can make this yourself rather easily: It's described here: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=6400724
Great instructions. It would have worked except for one tiny little problem, I didn't have 40G free for the apt repository. Wow, I never realized how much it takes.
joe@jmorris:~> aptate Distribution(s) to be processed: suse82 Processing: suse82 Archive structure: 1 => suse/8.2-i586 Entering cache build stage base -> RPMs added: 3227 -> RPMs removed: 0 Entering apt repository creation stage base -> Bin: MD5/GPG: 3227/3227 -> Src: MD5/GPG: 0/0 security -> Bin: MD5/GPG: 0/0 -> Src: MD5/GPG: 0/0 Entering apt database building stage base -> Bin: 3227/3227 base -> Src: Creating global release file: done
error: the created repository has not been installed, as there is not enough space. Size of created repository: 38109184 Calculated available space: 11970748 aptate finished successfully
Am I reading this correctly? That is 38G? But the DVD is only 3847360. Oh well...
That's not correct, it's only 38M (compared to 38G it's just a fraction ;) To get around the problem you need a newer version of apt4rpm, the version you need is 0.65.3, which is available from sourceforge or the SUSE-9.0 apt repository. http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=35354 -- Richard