I can't help you with the mouse acting like a pen, but for the mouse not responding, go to http://www.suse.com. Go to the Support Database and select Keywords. Go to MOUSE. About 3rd from the bottom is a topic that starts with "USB mouse". That should help you out. I just went through this yesterday. :) Yippee38 --- Frits Wuthrich <frits@wuthrich.cc> wrote:
On my machine I have Windows ME, SuSE8 and I use Lilo. I use a graphical tablet, Wacom Graphire2, which is connected to the USB port. THe tablet has a pen and a mouse, and either of those can be used. In windows that works fine, and the mouse behaves like a mouse, and the pen like a pen. In SuSE however both mouse and pen behave like the pen, and what is even more annoying, sometime after startup the tablet doesn't work at all (at tha logon screen). so I have to use my keyboard to reboot. Sometimes I have to reboot a few times before my I can move the cursor at all.
I am rather a newbie, and would appreciate advice.
Frits J. W�thrich (Sent with Kmail)
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