18 Sep
18 Sep
I noticed /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.o as well as nv_drv.o in the SuSE update XFree86-server.rpm and wonder if this is based on the Nvidia driver 4496 - it says --- Hardware cursor position on Intel i845/i855/i865 chipsets fixed. Xvideo performance improved dramatically. Regards Sid. Turd Ferguson wrote:
I'm a little befuddled by the NVidia update for SuSE 8.2. I had the driver, can't remember why I lost it, but now it's not in YaST and the actual "NVidia download" will not compile the necessary mods and just hangs.
Does anyone know where i can find an RPM for it? I'm running 8.2 with KDE 3.1 on an NVidia Geforce2 64Mb card.
Thanks in advance for the help. :)