Hi, My PC had a reasonable host name, "linux" I think it was. Then one gloomy day it somehow changed to "129". Now I am looking for information about how the host setting works in Suse 9.2; inspite of reading a wad of stuff and searching and oggling web postings I seem not to understand the basic concept of it and of the web settings related to it; like domain name 'site'. If you can point me to a source of good overview & necessary details please do so. I'd be happiest if hit with terminology one would use for describing quantum physics to an exceptionally stupid rodent. For some reason all the Linux books are either too complicated (=only the variable details mentioned, not the context explained) or if they are not, they entirely skip over the concept of 'How Linux understands and manages the internet / host settings (or any other settings, for that matter) and what they represent in the real world'. Most of the info stuff is like "The Crdlbsklrching of Drdlbb can be done either via skndrlzching the vrldnb instead of drdlbb or, setting the variable BRLDFGGING=false or by modyifying the respective settings of kjdhkjhkjhkj.conf or the file kjdhkjhkjhkj.conf.local or by doing whatever your distro uses for it's drdlbbsklrching." Thanks, Mike P.S. If anyone has perverse fixation in the details of messed host settings, the littany desribing mine is below. But rather than getting a single thing fixed via external or divine intervention I'd like to _understand_ how it all works. If that is possible. <optional_hostnamelittany> There is a D-Link DI-604 Ethernet Broadband Router model B2 between my ADSL modem and my PC(s), and it's a dynamic IP address that I have, or something like that; a 'grey' address someone from the provider's IT- support once called it, and mumbled something about it being NATted a second time due to the D-Link. I was running win XP then. I think it was this D-link that changed my host name. In D-links Lan settings page the last part of my PC's IP address was that 129. (And the end part of my other Suse 9.2 PC's D-Link ip address shows as it's host name in it's KDE terminal command line.) So what is the name of the supreme God that has power upon the Suse 9.2's host(name)? Apparently the command export HOSTNAME=mycray2_linux is not enough, or doing that with the variable HOST. And when tried to change host name to something else in YAST / Network services/ DNA and Host Name/ two things happened: _A) I was instantly confused by the message: "The resolver configuration (/etc/resov.conf) has been temporarily modified by DHCPCD. You have to options: 1. Modify the current (changed!) version of the file 2. Press 'Accept' now and conntinue editing other (non-roselver) data. You could return to his dialog later when the above sefvice has terminated." Although I understand the individual words, the real meaning of my two choices remains utterly obscure to me - what does that information try to say to me? _B) I don't remember which of the two choices I took, but I ended up with a non-working internet connection (even my XP laptop lost its connection to the outer world) until I completely removed the host name, reset the D-link and the D-Link apparently (again) provided this mysterious & boring '129' as host name. After yet some experinmenting I have now succeeded in getting the Yast to accept the hostname linux1 and domain name 'site', and the internet connection works ok. But the command line shows 129 as host name. And printenv says HOST=129 and HOSTNAME=129 yet in Yast host name field Host Name field has linux1 in it! The D-link's LAN settings page shows linux1 as my pc's host and plus this XXX..129 as it's IP address. Also, in Yast there is the name of my home network placed in a slot called Domain search 1; that is from the time when I had a Win home network; so Yast has probably yanked it from the D-link. (And two of the three name server fields apparently have the name server of my internet provider or some such thing.) It would be nice to get these linux boxes seeing each other in my home network but I don't know how to set that up, yet. (For what it's worth, I also have an Win XP laptop plus another pc Suse 9.2/Win ME pc connected to this D-link and they show up in the lan settings page of D-link. The other Linux pc has 'linux' as host name and the XP has a hostname of 10 characters; all in caps. I only installed the other Suse 9.2 to my old WinME PC last night, so I haven't configured to to any workgroups or anything in Suse; it is a Win ME dual boot. In the laptop I have and will not change any workgroup settings.) </optional_hostnamelittany>