6 Apr
6 Apr
El Jueves, 6 de Abril de 2006 07:44, Dennis J. Tuchler escribió:
A friend of mine has a computer loaded with M$ Windows. She would like to try Linux but does not know how much room to make on the disk by partitioning (and whether SuSE will do the job for her or whether she should use Partition Magic). Where is there a guide that I can give her that will answer her questions?
-- Best regards,
Dennis J. Tuchler
I have installed SUSE 9.0 and SUSE 10.0 in VMWare using 4 GB virtual disks. I do development using C++ and not much more with each one. Depending on what she wants to do with it and wether she may decide to do most her work under Linux, 10 Gb might be a suitable size. YMMV. Regards. -- Alfredo Cole-Tuckler