Ken Schneider wrote:
On Thu, 2006-01-26 at 18:33 -0600, Jim Flanagan wrote:
Ken Schneider wrote:
On Thu, 2006-01-26 at 17:43 -0600, Jim Flanagan wrote:
Mark Crean wrote:
Clam-av is on the install media but it is not the latest. Best off getting it from and you will need the db package as well. After it is installed run freshclam to update the definition files.
Thanks Ken, will do. I take it that all I need to do after downloading and installing and updating, is to uncomment the clamav-clamd secton of the amavisd.conf? Restarting amavisd afterwards.
That and create a cron script to run freshclam on a hourly basis. I use the following: In /etc/cron.hourly/clamd-update
#!/bin/sh cd /usr/bin ./freshclam | /bin/mail -s 'freshclam hourly report' root
I have the results emailed to root so that I can keep a eye on the updates. That is also how I found out that I needed to update the programs a couple of weeks ago. Make sure the script is executable or it will not run.
Thanks Ken. Actually I think YOU had updated clamav as yast shows ver 0.88-0.1 installed. I ran freshclam manually and it updated itself. I noticed that in runlevel editor there are daemons for clam and freshclam. I edited /etc/clam.conf to log to the default /var/log/clam which it is doing. I started both daemons and both are running. I believe the freshclam daemon is updating itself every 2 hours (as default in /etc/freshclam.conf) but when I try to enable logging for that the daemon won't start, showing write permission error, so I'm not sure it's updating the clam db, but I think it is. If this is the case I don't think I need to run cron. I'll check on this later today, and try to get the log function for freshclam working. The perms for /var/log/clam txt file is set as root/root. In any case my email is now being scanned by amavis / clamav, and there are no warning messages about not fining primary av scanner. Jim