If you have a pop3 server, you can log onto it with telnet 110 and interrogate the pop3 server. Here is how mine does it. I haven't shown the server responses. telnet YourIspMailServer 110 <----port for pop3 USER yourusername PASS yourpassword LIST <---------This shows you all your messages and their size,which I think includes attachments. DELE <message no> deletes the big one if you want
That's the weird part... there is no 'big one'. Just a lot of ordinary, mailing list traffic.
RETR <message no> gets the message, dumping it to your screen. TOP <message no> < Number of lines> Shows first part of message plus all headers. Takes two numbers, like TOP 3 5 QUIT Sign you off. .....................................................
I'd been thinking of checking this out. Thanks for the details. Question, though. I've ran into at least one ISP who treated telneting to a mail port as a prelude to an attack, and threatened all sorts of legal action, citing several state statutes, and promising to cancel my account at the next _hint_ of an attempt. Now granted, Yahoo! isn't in my state (Nebraska), so hopefully the same state statutes wouldn't necessarily apply, but I'm a little gunshy after that last one (and that was almost a year ago!) Any advice to the legality/wisdom of trying the above?
You may find an alternative approach to be :- __________________________________________________
.. . . go to their web-page.
In-Put your server details, User ID, Password
{ change Password soonest, thereafter }
~ Zipzzzzz ~ Electrocuted ~ und so weiter :( -- ____________ sent on Linux
===== "Here, catch! Don't worry, it won't bite...BBZZZZAAAAPPP!!!...much <snicker>" What an unsuspecting mechanic hears as he learns to never, ever, play 'Catch' with a bored electrician ;) Monte Milanuk __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere! http://mail.yahoo.com/ -- To unsubscribe send e-mail to suse-linux-e-unsubscribe@suse.com For additional commands send e-mail to suse-linux-e-help@suse.com Also check the FAQ at http://www.suse.com/support/faq