I have read the short description of the SuSE boot concept contained in the SuSE Linux 6.3 manual. Unfortunately, it is woefully deficient. I need to: (a) modify startup scripts to load USB devices, and (b) create an intelligent module loader for my adaptec scsi card that only loads if the module is not already compiled into the kernel (my hamhanded attempts to do this have led to a dead system that boots to a kernel panic, thanks I think to the fact that the startup scripts load my scsi card twice, or possibly AFTER the USB/scsi driver), and (c) ensures that SCSI/USB is loaded AFTER my main scsi cards. The manual states that "all scripts are located in" sbin/init.d. What then about the scripts that appear in /etc/rc.config.d ??? Are these just "extra"? They do not appear to be merely links (at least not all of them). There are a bunch of usb scripts (just look at the output from find -iname *usb* executed from /etc and then from /sbin), many of which appear to be duplicates. Which one(s) do I need to edit? Are the ones in /sbin the "master" copies? What is the INITRD variable in rc.config? Thanks in advance for any help. And, anyone who has a USB Zip drive working using SuSE, PLEASE email back with details!!! (btw., I am using kernel 2.3.31). -- To unsubscribe send e-mail to suse-linux-e-unsubscribe@suse.com For additional commands send e-mail to suse-linux-e-help@suse.com Also check the FAQ at http://www.suse.com/Support/Doku/FAQ/