On 2020-01-26 12:19 p.m., Dave Howorth wrote:
On Sun, 26 Jan 2020 09:20:03 -0500 Anton Aylward <opensuse@antonaylward.com> wrote:
On 2020-01-22 8:23 p.m., Hongyi Zhao wrote:
May be I should depicted my method more detailed:
I only let the grub itself on a separate partition, with which I can boot the kernels located on the btrfs.
Err NO.
Err, yes.
I have /boot where the bootable kernels live. There is a /boot/grub2 and all the other /boot/*
But the /boot/initrd and /boot/vmlinuz and stuff are there.
Where do you think the bootable kernels would reside if not on /boot?
The bootable kernels live in boot, which is part of the root partition
The point I was trying to make is that need not be the case. All of /boot and what lies underneath it, and there I agree with you, can quite reasonably reside on a seperate partitioon. I know this is possible since I am running a system like that, have been running a system like, ran a system like that even back when I just had the BtrFS for the rest of the file system. I can, after booting, unmount /boot. If I run 'zypper up' to download a new kernel or have other reson to run the few programs that update what's there, rebuild the grub menu or whatever, then, yes, it had better be mounted :-)
'/' and so do grub modules, but grub itself (the actual boot code) lives in /boot/efi/,
Depending on how you interpret what constitutes 'boot code'. There's stuff under /boot/grub2/ that comes into play as well :-)
which is the ESP (EFI System Partition) and is always formatted vfat on UEFI systems. The base grub understands enough to be able to load its modules from wherever, but the ROM that comes before grub doesn't.
I'm never happy with 'whatever' as an answer. I've been in system support and had to deal with phone calls and email from people who have mucked around with putting stuff in weird places, the 'whatever'. I want to see grub load its modules from under /boot/grub2 or whatever is appropriate for that version and revision of the OS. That you COULD put it on /mnt/mountable/mytoys/grubmodules doesn't mean you SHOULD. And especially not forget to tell phone support you've played such silly-bugger games with the 'whatever'. BT had the stupid buggers do stuff like that and yell at me when it doesn't work and stuff isn't where I tell them to look for it because they've moved it to 'whatever'. -- A: Yes. > Q: Are you sure? >> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation. >>> Q: Why is top posting frowned upon? -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse+owner@opensuse.org