On 4/6/06, Theo v. Werkhoven <twe-suse.e@ferrets4me.xs4all.nl> wrote:
Wed, 05 Apr 2006, by stevetjacobs@gmail.com:
At boot, the system experiences a Kernel Panic and halts prior to completely booting up. The last few lines displayed before things hang are:
Using the RAID button I created a RAID1 volume of each 'partition-pair', formatting the 1G as swap, and the other 2 partitions as Reiserfs.
I believe/suspect that md0 is the swap partition.
Don't put swap on a RAID. It'll kill performance and won't do anything for data-security anyway. Just select both 1G partitions for use as swap, Linux will then use both swaps round-robin. The procedure for software RAID is easy; make partitions, designate type FD (Linux raid auto) to the RAID partitons, make RAID drives, make filesystems, install.
Theo - I repartitioned, creating 2 separate, 1Gig swap partitions, and only RAID'ing the root and home partitions. All works perfectly now. For the last hour I've been browsing for rootkit revealers/repairers (to fix a client's PC), listening to a Wilco CD with Kaffeine, and burning a CD of the (previously mentioned )downloaded malware tools. All is working great, thanks a ton for the help! I've got a few followup questions about the RAID, but will research it myself first, and come back if I hit a wall. -- Steve