It seems my gnome libs have been scrambled. After upgrade-install of 9 pro, with the new /opt/gnome-only hierarchy, I am get relocation errors on every gtk and gtk2 based program. For example: ssquier@bucky:~> mozilla /opt/mozilla/lib/mozilla-bin: relocation error: /opt/gnome/lib undefined symbol: g_get_application_name Checked and /opt/gnome2 has been removed. This was a working 8.2 apt-updated system. Any ideas where to look? I have checked this also: # nm /lib/ | grep "g_g" 00000000 n __evoke_link_warning_getpw 00000000 n __evoke_link_warning_gets 00000000 n __evoke_link_warning_getwd 00000000 n __evoke_link_warning_gtty And, the version of glibc = glibc-2.3.2-88 from dvd install of suse 9 pro. --------------- steve squier linux registered user #252130