On Tuesday, September 06, 2005 @ 4:06 AM, Adam Vazquez wrote:
Greg Wallace wrote:
The backup software I use to backup my system is refusing to create a boot CD for my new 9.3 installation because it says that the combination of the initrd image, kernel, and other support files is greater than the maximum supported by LILO CDROM image of 2880 KB. Is this true, or is this software using some older version of LILO?
Greg Wallace
LILO , like Linux, is probably not using BIOS to figure out your drive geometry. Your backup software is probably using LBA or BIOS for the geometry. Why not pull the drive or the docs of the drive and use the true geometry printed on the top of the drive and see if your backup software will cooperate. Otherwise use something that will work such as ghost for linux and give up on that piece of horsefeathers.
Well, I looked in /boot and added up the numbers. Look like Storix is correct in that the two kernel files have grown to be pretty large. As is the case for everything, sizes increase over time. I think they're in cahoots with the hardware folks to make sure we need to continually buy more and more. Actually, it's just a matter of more complexity requires more space. Regarding G4U, I looked into that but it wouldn't work for me the last time I looked. I have one internal hard drive and cannot boot from an external drive and G4U doesn't (didn't) support USB. Thanks for responding. Greg Wallace