I emailed support@linuxant.com and they claimed to be unaware of the problem (although a quick google shows they've replied to emails outlining this problem since SuSE 9.1 at least) and didn't really give much in the way of helpful suggestions. So I uninstalled Linuxant, and installed ndiswrapper 1.5. The new problem: ndiswrapper compiled and installed fine. When I try to load the module, system messages show that it loads, then fails with an error that it doesn't match the installed driver, 1.1. I am guessing this might be because I had originally installed the SuSE 9.3 ndiswrapper 1.1 rpm, although I later uninstalled it with Yast. Does this seem to be a reasonable hypothesis? If so, what can I do about it? Unfortunately, since that machine is not connected to the network, I can't send the exact message text. Thanks Corvin __________________________________ Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click. http://farechase.yahoo.com