Op woensdag 1 oktober 2003 06:11, schreef Jerry A!:
On Tue, Sep 30, 2003 at 10:56:16PM -0400, Ed Harrison wrote: : I followed Mantel's suggestion to use "--nodeps" when installing the : above kernel and sources. : : Now, I can no longer use Apt-get. It wants to uninstall 2 broken : packages. : : Will apt-get work with rpm 4.0.4?
Yes, apt-get will work w/rpm v4. However, 8.2 doesn't have v4. And apt-get (as far as I know) will not allow you to override or installed w/failed dependencies.
Here's what I did to get it working: 1. remove mantel-kernel from sources.list 2. 'rpm -e' the kernel (k_deflt, k_athlon, k_smp, k_whatever) 3. remove the apt cache files (/var/cache/apt/*.bin) 4. 'apt-get update' 5. install your kernel 6. 'apt-get update'
One of those 'apt-get updates' may be redundant. Basically, apt needs to regen it's caches w/o knowing anything about the kernel.
3 and 4 are not needed. Just do 1, 2, 5. Apt reads the rpm database so it knows what happened. You can fake the rpm database using a rpm that says it provides rpm4. I'll provide the rpm off list. -- Richard Bos Without a home the journey is endless