On 20-Feb-98 rknebel@csrlink.net wrote:
Hi All, I just installed suse and am trying to get mutt to work in color. The version installed with the install is against curses and when I use an xterm window I get just back and white and if I use rxvt it crashes saying there is a problem with xterm-color. I cannot even find xterm-color to install it. I also cannot find a slang library anywhere but I presume there is one since slrn is installed. If anyone who uses mutt with suse can give me a hand I would appreciate it. Thanks Alot.
I used mutt quite often and had no problems with color and rxvt. You can get slang from space.mit.edu which compiled without problem at least here. With the version 1.03 you can also run slrn 0946. If you want you can read JED's comments about xterm-color and his approach which is to use rxvt. By the way I compiled rxvt on SuSE 5.1 with no problems either here. I would definitely try compiling slang and then use the .muttrc to write color statements. It works. It looks especially nice in an rxvt. Also see the mutt world wide web home page from the Linux Apps and Utilities page. BTW, I compiled my own mutt with no problems against the slang library.
ps. I am also having troulbe installing my AccelX V4.0 and applix 4.3.7 from redhat on my system . The install scripts keep crashing.
I copied all the rpm files from the Applix 4.3.7 cd to my hard disk and ran them there. I had some problems with the cdrom I was using. This got me to applixware quite easily.
Rick Knebel rknebel@csrlink.net
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