28 Aug
28 Aug
The answer is at: http://fou4s.gaugusch.at/
Currently known problems (0.7.0)
The following problems have been found out after releasing. Please consult the KNOWN-BUGS file for other known problems.
* People who use an FTP server will receive the message WARNING: You are using an ftp server and ftp_proxy is set. Fou4s can't use the proxy, because wget makes some trouble with ftp over a proxy, even if there is no ftp_proxy variable set. To fix it, change line 1266 from "ftp_proxy" to "$ftp_proxy".
Where is ftp_proxy placed, and where is the total fou4s placed ??.
and it works.
-- Med venlig hilsen - Best regards - Vy 73 de oz4kk Erik Jakobsen - erik@urbakken.dk SuSE Linux 8.0 Professional.