21.03.2016 00:19, Carlos E. R. пишет:
Content-ID: <alpine.LSU.2.20.1603202154550.14097@Grypbagne.inyvabe>
On Sunday, 2016-03-20 at 16:40 +0300, Andrei Borzenkov wrote:
20.03.2016 15:37, Carlos E. R. пишет:
On 2016-03-20 00:39, Florian Gleixner wrote:
On 03/19/2016 08:54 PM, Carlos E. R. wrote:
Ah, it is starting to make sense! Kind of. I do have two routers, yes. One is the actual router, connected to my ISP fibre, the other is only acting as a WiFi access point, not as router (its WAN is disconnected).
But the IP that the message is reporting, fe80::8cae:84ff:fe43:27d4, happens to belong to my switch, not the router.
No, according to neighbor information you sent it is your wireless AP:
Telcontar:~ # ip neighbour show fe80::8cae:84ff:fe43:27d4 dev eth0 lladdr f8:1a:67:91:f4:22 router DELAY dev eth0 lladdr f8:1a:67:91:f4:22 STALE <==== wifi AP.
Yes, but.
The wireless access point does have a web page, for administrating it.
On the other hand,
produce the same result (empty page). In fact, when I enter
Well, that's not exactly convincing. Show packet trace from client where you tried it. ...
ISP--fibre--[Main router]---[switch]---[R-W-A.P.]--
My computer is connected to the switch.
On the "Router-WiFi-Access Point" I have dhcp disabled on IPv4. However, it is impossible to disable RADVD, which is used for IPv6, and is the culprit here.
The configuration page says (TD-W8970):
+++...................... IPv6 LAN Settings
The parameters of IPv6 LAN can be configured on this page.
Note: Only default group supports IPv6 now.
Group: Default Address Autoconfiguration Type: (*) RADVD () DHCPv6 Server
What happens if you change it to "DHCPv6 Server"? I expect it to stop sending RA.
Let's try. [...] It refuses. It wants me to specify a WAN connection, and there is none. I could set the "Site Prefix Configuration Type" to static, but then I have to enter a site prefix and I have no idea what to type there. And it has to be something that does not interfer with the ISP Router to the outside.
Do you actually need IPv6? If not, nothing you enter here can interfere with anything. In any case, you had site prefix already, as shown in one of your previous mail; why not use it (it had been set there all the time)?
+++····························· IPv6 LAN Settings
The parameters of IPv6 LAN can be configured on this page. Note: Only default group supports IPv6 now.
Group: Default
Address Autoconfiguration Type: ( ) RADVD (*) DHCPv6 Server
Packet trace showing RA in both cases would be definitely helpful to understand what it actually does.
Start IPv6 Address: ::7FFF(1~FFFE) End IPv6 Address: ::7FFE(1~FFFE) Leased Time: 86400 seconds (The default value is 86400)
Site Prefix Configuration Type: ( ) Delegated (*) Static Site Prefix: [ ] <================================== Site Prefix Length: 64 ·····························++-
I need a "Site Prefix" to make this work. Without it, it does not accept "Save" the config.
Use the same site prefix as was configured before.
The configuration on the ISP router is below (and the above should not conflict with the below config):
+++····························· IPv6 LAN Auto Configuration Note: Stateful DHCPv6 is supported based on the assumption of prefix length less than or equal to 64. Interface ID does NOT support ZERO COMPRESSION "::". Please enter the complete information. For exampe: Please enter "0:0:0:2" instead of "::2". LAN IPv6 Link-Local Address Configuration (*) EUI-64 ( ) User Setting Interface Identifier: 0:0:0:1
Static LAN IPv6 Address Configuration Interface Address (prefix length is required): [_____]
IPv6 LAN Applications [X] Enable DHCPv6 Server (*) Stateless Refresh Time (sec): 1440 ( ) Stateful Start interface ID: 0:0:0:21 End interface ID: 0:0:0:FE Leased Time (second):
[X] Enable RADVD RA interval Min(sec): 3 RA interval Max(sec): 10 Reachable Time(ms): 0 Default Preference: Low [ ] MTU (bytes): [ ] Enable Prefix Length Relay
[ ] Enable ULA Prefix Advertisement ( ) Randomly Generate ( ) Statically Configure Prefix: [_____] Preferred Life Time (hour): -1 Valid Life Time (hour): -1
[ ] Enable MLD Snooping
If the only problem is to avoid these log messages from router, you may simply reconfigure it to use DHCP + RADVD.
This router, the ISP router, I can touch very little. The ISP does not want clients to touch it at all, in fact. It may affect cable TV settings and voice service.
-- Cheers, Carlos E. R. (from 13.1 x86_64 "Bottle" at Telcontar)