Hi, I was wondering if someone might help me figure out the best way to view the movies and videos I have on my suse 10 box. I use an nvidia gforce mx4000 card with svideo output now. I have no problem getting a decent picture on the tv doing it by configuring the nvidia options in sax, but have too much of a problem with twinview trying to get a picture on my monitor, and tv at the same time. Believe me, I have googled to death, and have tried every possible configuration, but cant find anything that works to my satisfaction. This is what I WANTED to do. Im moving the tower to the living room, with no monitor, no keyboard, but connected wireless to the home network. I wanted to be able to use desktop sharing probably? but open to suggestions, to start a movie on the box, and watch it in the living room. When I try to do this though it doesnt work, I want to access the active login, instead of just logging in from my box, and having the output on my screen in a window.. have the output go to the TV, I dont want the output to go to the box I am on, but that doesnt work either, says error opening/initializing the selected video out (-vo) device. Im probably going about this in all the wrong way, Anyway, if you can understand my rambling on, or if you have a better suggestion, Im open to it. I do not want a keyboard, mouse, etc in my living room, just the box. Thanks. Peace Steve Reilly --------------------------------- Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.