Larry -- ...and then Larry Stotler said... % ... % % Then something like the underpowered Raspberry Pi comes out & people ... % eBay, which would have same as or more RAM(The RPi originally only % came with 26MB, but 512MB is now standard), better expansion & have ... % As an example, my Thinkpad A30p has a 1.2Ghz P3, 1GB RAM, Radeon % 7000/32MB, 320GB HD, DVD Burner. But, with a well known and well ... % against supporting the RPi, I just don't understand why it, being % underpowered is considered "acceptable" where older PC hardware isn't % & people are told they should buy newer. BECOZ ITZ KY00T! I can has Piz now? Seriously, though, I think that its tiny form factor is a big plus and helps set the expectations of those who want to play with it. I'd love to have a bunch of them in air ducts controlling flow, running around on spider legs patrolling the house and playing with the cats, and so on. Try putting legs on a laptop and see how it goes ;-) On the other hand, if you're after a compute server farm and need RAM for processing and crunching, a stack of old laptops goes a long way for that purpose. And if you want a storage farm, a single 14-bay tower and big power supply goes a long way for *that* purpose. It's all about setting expectations, and in addition to being new and cute and fun, the Pi's small form, low power draw, open structure, and simplicity help it fill a lot of niches. Speaking personally, I would be most interested in something that can interface wirelessly with keyboard, mouse, and screen (remote display on an Android tablet, maybe?) via Bluetooth and has WiFi & RFID, whether it has removable uSD storage or some permanent store on board. Build me one that's about 1" x 2" x .5" and runs for a day on a flat battery such as in a cell phone and I'll finally be ready to cough up my own money :-) Happy New Year :-D -- David T-G See See