Hi! Am Sonntag, 12. März 2006 10:05 schrieb David Wright:
I've been installing the 10.1 Beta's on a regular basis, and, like 10.0, there is no default desktop environment selected with SUSE Linux, you have to specify which one you want, KDE, Gnome, other or text console only...
I know, we were talking about the NLD which was renamed to SuSE Linux Desktop and has Gnome as default.
If you look at the corporate desktop, Gnome seems to be the default standard many companies look to, and has been said, Novell have bought a company that does work under Gnome, so it was foreseeable that Gnome would come more to the foreground than before.
There was Redhat and mandrake as a fork with different DE as default. There was Slackware and Suse as a fork. So the fork was not "sold" with the name of the original. This is all I am talking about. Who would say that it would make sense to have Redhat which obviously has a focus on Gnome and then create Redhat Desktop Linux with a focus on KDE?
From what has been said and what I have observed, it seems like both will be treated equally for the foreseeable future, as opposed to Gnome being the poor cousing. And as the enterprise customers often concentrate on Gnome, it makes some sense that some of the tools are moved to the gtk libraries...
Although setting one of the two as default is not treating them equally, I still do not see how it makes sense to use a name bound to KDE for a Gnome-defaulted fork, especially since it had already it's new name, i.e. Novell Linux Desktop. Apparently that name was not good enough to sell the product, why would one change a well selling product name. Sven