I have reason to believe that my devices connected to usb isn't detected bu SuSE 9.3. I have recently posted on this list (see "Wacom graphire3, agaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain"), and when I tried to install my printer it was not detected by YaST. In fedora and Debian I used Kprinter and things worked. Not in SuSE!!!!!! In the "hardware info" part of YaST the devices connected to my USB ports wasn't detected. I have 2 USB(v1) ports. But in /dev there is 4 "usblp" (usblp0 etc...), 5 "usbmouse" and 1 usbscanner. And I don't see the logic in that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On one of the ports I have : --HP PSC 2110 (used hpoj driver in fedora and debian) --Wacom Graphier3 tablet with mouse an pen (or is it called "stylus"?) First: Is it posible to "force" SuSE to detect a device on a port Second: How do I know which decive file to use. In SaX the port for the tablet is sett to "USB" because i have no idea which device file to use. I get the same probølem with my printer. Which device file reffers to usb port the printer is connected to. On the 9.2 live cd everything worked perfectly, what has hapened in one relese!!!!!!!!!!!!! It seems that users doesn't have this problem, and googeling I haven't found out enything other than that SuSE has very good hardware detection (yea right.....) Thank You in advance, Dan Stefan Rundberget