On Wed, September 6, 2006 4:08 pm, Stephen Boddy wrote:
On Wednesday 06 September 2006 19:12, Marius Roets wrote:
Well, I just confirmed, though I'll be damned if I understand it. It works perfectly from home. I never suspected a firewall because : 1) It used to work just fine (ok this is weak) 2) I can manually download the file via http (which I assume is what SMART is using. 3) Other repositories are fine, only Packman doesn't work.
Your symptoms seem to be different though, but I think it is fair to assume that SMART has some problems with firewalls. Don't know what to do about it though, as I know little (read nothing) of firewalls.
I know very little more, except how to penetrate them. This information is mostly used in protecting my own system. (http://scan.sygate.com is a fantastic site for testing your vunerability.) It is also wise to hit your firewall IP from outside using NMap to see what you can get.
Smart also uses mirrors, and some of these may use other protocols, in particular ftp. If your firewall blocks this (normal for corp) it might throw a fit.
That may be the case. In my instance, I know port 80 and 21 are both open and available. I tried the links being attempted in my SMARt update through Firefox and they all worked. For soem reason, it was SMARt which forced me out. Go figure. -- Kai Ponte www.perfectreign.com || www.4thedadz.com remember - a turn signal is a statement, not a request