-----Original Message----- From: Geordon VanTassle [mailto:gvantass@thecoventree.com]
Yep. You're right. Nobody's gonna reply, since you have your message messed up with HTML tags.
HTML is mail is a Bad Thing(tm).
Did you try looking at Microsoft for an IE for UNIX?
Internet Explorer 5 and Outlook Express are only available on Solaris and HP-UX. (http://www.microsoft.com/unix/ie/default.asp) As already posted, Konquerer and Mozilla are viable options.
For a mail program to "Get" hotmail, look at fetchmail http://www.fetchmail.org and RTFM. It'll take some work, but you can set fetchmail up to retrieve from Hotmail.
Gotmail (http://www.hawkins.emu.id.au/gotmail/) would be easier to employ, certainly as a beginner, plus it doesn't have a fucking manual, just a simple friendly note on how to use it.
NOw, if you want to use all the Microsoft stuff, why go to Linux at all?
He asked for _clones_ , not the real Microsoft stuff. Maybe it's because the user interfacing of Microsoft products is well above average or IE has a better stability record than Netscape? Marc