On 05/13/2018 08:49 PM, Carlos E. R. wrote:
Is it customary and usual for User nobody to have /bin/bash as a shell? It seems that Opensuse is the only linux I have that allows this.
Most have nologin or /bin/false. But in openSUSE there are some jobs that are done as "nobody", and that
On 2018-05-14 00:14, John Andersen wrote: probably needs a shell and a home.
Like what jobs, for example? Is there any files setuid for nobody?
sudo find / -user nobody -perm -4000 -exec ls -ldb {} \; >/tmp/filename sudo cat /tmp/filename
Nope. So maybe a daemon of some sort needs to be run from a shell?
sudo ps -u nobody
Nothing found. I have Another old linux box in the corner still runs portmap as user nobody but its just a print server, and it probably shouldn't be running portmap at all. It runs with no shell, no terminal. Running daemons as nobody is frowned upon these days, and has been for quite a while. But you say you know of some jobs that must be done as nobody?? -- After all is said and done, more is said than done.