W dniu 24.02.2020 o 11:21, jdd@dodin.org pisze:
I want to use a proprietary software (DaVinci Resolve). My ASUS N550JK is an optimus computer, but I never could make bumblebee work more than 10 mn long (during these minutes, resolve worked 5x faster than kdenlive, the reason why I would like to use it).
Resolve works on a much less powerful computer with intel graphics and no optimus.
On the ASUS, it ask for "an openCL interface". As far As I understand, Mesa openCL (and lib openCL) is installed.
Is it possible to to hide completely the nvidia video part? Is there a chance intel driver can provide openCL?
Note: I can't make bumblebee work right now, neither in openSUSE nor in ubuntu or the native resolve distro of choice centos, so using it is not a reasonable choice for the moment
thanks jdd
sudo zypper in beignet libOpenCL1