On Thu, 01 Dec 2005 08:36:16 +0100 Erik Jakobsen <eja@urbakken.dk> wrote:
I can see, the if I choose update, it runs on kde, but it lasts less than 20 sec's, and I think it should last very long time to upgrade kde ?.
[The configuration entry I posted only ENABLES smart access to the updated kde packages. One has to *tell* smart what more it should do. I use the gui screen to interact with smart.] I'm not "knowledgeable" on this, but my impression is that 'update' (the leftmost icon on the toolbar) transfers the CURRENT "index" from the repository server to the local client. Then 'upgrade' (the 'up arrow' icon on the toolbar) flags those packages in the "index" that ought to replace (based on being newer?) what is installed on the local system. Finally, a "yes" click in the request window raised by the 'upgrade' function (or if you said "no", then a click on the next_to_leftmost icon on the toolbar) will initiate a download of the flagged packages. It is my belief that selecting 'upgrade' will only look at what is ALREADY installed on the local system. If there was *no* kde on the local system, I suspect that one would have to 'expand' smart's listing of available packages, and *manually* flag (in that listing) packages for downloading. [To flag a package for downloading, right-mouse-button click on the line it is listed on, then select 'install' from the pop-down menu. (After the chosen packages have been flagged, use the next_to_ leftmost icon on the toolbar to *initiate* the downloads.)] [Note: the november (and earlier) versions of smart were "freezing" on me in the 'Committing Transaction' screen while doing a LARGE install such as for KDE 3.5. Your mileage may vary. Bypasses have been suggested, and a fix is promised.] mikus