The Monday 2005-01-03 at 05:43 +0100, Rikard Johnels wrote:
The same user as the one running the SA filter.
<several lines cut>
Is there a way to get a "global" update to occur? I have several users on a machine, with separate mails. Do all of then need their own database? or is there a way to run spamassain for the whole group? (As that no doubtedly will increase the protection from unsolicited mails faster than on user-per-users basis) And in that case who should run the as-learn?
If you are running SA "per user", then the learn process must be run by each user. If you setu up SA globally (for example, via amavis-new) then only the user used by SA must run sa-learn. That is, I can not give you a definite answer unless I know what you are doing exactly. -- Cheers, Carlos Robinson