Hi, i am trying to compile a Python 3.9 Project on Leap 15.5. I try to compile Bubblejail (https://github.com/igo95862/bubblejail) which is a Python 3.9 Project. The main Python version in "usr/bin/Python" ist Python 3.6. In the Repos there is also 'python39' which installs Python 3.9 in "/usr/bin/Python3.9". For some reason i cant compile Bubblejail with Python 3.9. The compiler always fails. trying to fall back to Python 3.6 Even when i start the compiler with "/usr/bin/python3.9 /usr/bin/meson compile" it still tries to compile with Python 3.6. See my Issue Page for this on Github: https://github.com/igo95862/bubblejail/issues/59 Does anybody know if and how it is possible to compile a python 3.9 project like Bubblewrap in OpenSuse Leap 15.5?