10 Sep
10 Sep
Marius Roets wrote:
Hi Everybody, I would like to set up a mail server on Suse 8.2. Assuming that I am a complete idiot, where can I find a good guide on how to do this, as well as recommendations on the kind of software to use.
Some recommendations for software. Personal bias included. You need to have working DNS, "bind" is good. Postfix for MTA. uw-imap (imap...rpm package in SuSE) if you need an IMAP/POP3 server that doesn't require any configuration to work and is reasonbly fast, also uses simple mbox format for folders. It doesn't have the fancy features and speed of cyrus, but you might not need those. Just install the rpm, activate it in /etc/xinetd.d/imap and start xinetd