For all of you who live in or love Munich, I hope they choose Linux. Muenchen is really a very nice place. I have been there about 3 times, maybe 4. It even has a nice clean, quiet subway system, altho not too big, unless it has been extended since the mid 1970's. And how many cities have a great big lake not 20 KM away? (Yes, I know, Chicago and Detroit and Ottowa.) And Oktoberfest? I cannot imagine Muenchen looking like a blown up village. Most of whatever was blown up in WW II has been completely rebuilt, and it is certainly big enough to be considered a city. I will try to send the mayor a message in my rather basic German a little later. --doug At 01:03 04/08/2003 -0500, Curtis Rey wrote:
On Tuesday 08 April 2003 00:58 am, Vishal Khanna wrote:
That is hillarious.. Sorry Curtis could not help laughing.. What makes you think that the Mayor would even bother to look at your email ... when his city itself reminds one of a blown up village, technology can happen elsewhere ...and a good OS like SuSE Linux shall find its place in other towns where atleast shops accept credit cards and are open 24hrs a day ! vish
Perhaps the Mayor of Munich may regard my message is frivalous, unimportant, or maybe even silly. But, I'm the native Germans on the list are quite pleased with your rererence to Munich as "blown up village". At least I respectful and didn't refer to the city he lives in as " blown up village" that is so technologically inferior they don't "accept credit cards and [aren't] "open 24hrs a day". The inferrence of cultural slurs is unbecoming to say the least. And If my letter were so funny, his bill from microsof after a couple of years will be equally as funny, not to mention the fact that a candidate for the opposition would probably jump all on the little tidbit that the present Mayor opted to go with a foreign supplier that was costly, not to mention the fact the their federal government has publicly stated the fact that they find M$ software suspect and the EU has found them in violation of European antitrust statutes.
Buts that's ok - I guess it just FLAME night.
Curtis. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
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