On 20/10/2021 11.45, Peter McD wrote:
Am 19.10.21 um 01:26 schrieb Douglas McGarrett:
I know I can install this with the traditional rpm command, and I know it will work, but I always get some nasty comments about doing so. YAST doesn't seem to see it. PLEASE don't tell me that Libre Office is just as good; it's not.
What I would do (in my German Yast, roughly translated)
I would do the same.
Add a directory for all rpm packages to a convenient location, put the rpm package there.
Go to Yast - configure Software Repositories Go to - add repository Point Yast to that directory, mark it in Yast as rpm directory. Do a refresh of all directories in Yast Then in Yast go to - install software
In my Yast "show repositories" is set
You should see in that rpm repository the rpm package (if you did refresh the repositories!)
Use Yast to install it.
Should work.
-- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from 15.2 x86_64 at Telcontar)