You are unlikely to see 8.1 until at least November, maybe later, based on past release cycles. YAST gave me some hassles when I installed 8.0, but they were not mind-boggling, and I'm not a UNIX engineer, so if I could figure it out, most people who would try LINUX probably can. In the meantime, there are upgrades from YOU (which I haven't tried) and some sort of upgrade on the _BARGAIN_ Sun-Office 6.0 CD from SuSE, which I can't report on either, since the install is bigger than the drive I want to put it on. But I'll get there, on another machine. Hang in there, and ask the list about problems. These are really a batch of Good Guys. Especially compared to some other lists! --doug At 18:59 07/31/2002 -0500, Jeric wrote:
There has been much debate as to whether Yast2 is good/bad, etc. and I think both sides have valid arguments. So, I would like to not go there, if possible.
However, what I was wondering is what changes, updates, etc. of Yast2(3?) are in store for future releases of SuSE, especially SuSE 8.1? One reason that I did not upgrade to 8.0 is the negative feedback of yast2 (to me Yast1/2 and Sax1/2 is what makes SuSE, SuSE). The other reason was too many .0's (SuSE 8.0, kde 3.0, and gnome was just around the corner with 2.0). But, I would have overlooked the .0's if it wasn't for the constant complaints of Yast2 and/or lack of Yast1.
SuSE...please give me a reason to upgrade to 8.1 when it comes out, please :)
Thanks, Jeric
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