On Tue, 2003-12-02 at 12:24, GarUlbricht7@netscape.net wrote:
On Monday 1 Dec 2003 4:03:13 AM EST (approx) X-Message-Number-for-archive: 169632 Message-Id: <200312010103.13696.brett@realbt.com>
* "Brett A. Taylor" wrote:
Hi folks,
I'm currently running Mandrake 9.1 but I want to switch to SUSE. I have 3 partitions on my current hard drive: my main partition (hda1), mounted at / as ext3; swap (hda5); and hda6, which is mounted as /home.
I have downloaded SUSE and it exists on hda6.
What I want to do is format the Mandrake partition on hda1, but *keep* (this is the most important part) without loosing *any* data on hda6, and set SUSE to mount it as /home.
Is this going to work?
Brett, if I understand what you are asking, the simple answer is: No, Yes you can do it. Rename your home directory to /home/brett.old (or whatever it is. Do the same with any other users) and install SuSE, making sure that you don't format /dev/hda6, and telling SuSE to mount it as /home. I do it all the time, playing with different distros. You can then move your files across to the new /home/brett.