25 Mar
25 Mar
On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 07:11:06 -0800, Randall R Schulz <rschulz@sonic.net> wrote:
I'd like to hear from anyone who is familiar with the book "SUSE Linux 9 Bible" (<http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0764577395/>) to get their review / impressions of this book.
Randall Schulz
Hi Randall I have it, its very usefull for me (I'm far form expert on linux), cames with 9.1 on DVD. Also you can check more here: www.wiley.com/go/suselinux9bible Bye. Alberto Omar Rodrigues Mendoza - Argentina Visite: www.porloschicos.com Visit: www.porloschicos.com/PorLosChicos.NET/index_english.htm