Hi! On 11/3/06, [Some Linux Guru] wrote:
On Thursday 02 November 2006 18:27, [Linux newbie] wrote:
kai@sith:~> /proc/cpuinfo bash: /proc/cpuinfo: Permission denied
- - -
/proc/* are text files, not executables or scripts.
even windoz will not run a file that does not have an 'executable' extension. It doesn't even know what type a file is without an extension. ... and let's see...
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 2006-11-02 19:36 cpuinfo
Oh... only read flags are showing... that means that no one my write to it (except the kernel), and no one my execute it... NO ONE...
But leave it to someone to try... <sigh>
But it looks like anyone can read it... let's see...
cat /proc/cpuinfo
Yup, that worked.
Or, you can use the Suse tools I pedantically showed Randy earlier...
Why do you guys answer Linux newbies like this? This is so belittling. And why can you not just write Windows, why do you have to write windoz? Maybe the newbies never used Windows before, but OS-X for instance. Somebody asks a genuine questions and gets answers with this attitude... I'm ashamed to be a part of this community. Still I am continuing to be as it's the only channel I get help from. I just hope I'm not answered this way. -- HG.