I have to think that you're getting your spam from somewhere else. I don't get any. (So far, and I've been on the list for years.) I don't open unknown attachments, and frankly, I usually use Windows and Eudora.) I also, in Windows, use a pop-up killer. I use Netscape as a browser, and I don't go to porn sites. I normally go only to reference sites, or places that sell what I want to buy, like computer parts, clothes, etc. And Google. That's where I find the other sites. I will go back and use more Linux when I get the ambition to make a new machine. It's just too slow on this old 160 MHz machine. (So is Windows.) If I got a batch of spam to this list, I guess I would get off it. I hate spam, and I especially hate porn spam. I might even change my internet supplier, if it got ridiculous. --doug, wa2say