(EE) I810(0): No Video BIOS modes for chosen depth.
The above message was the key to solving my problem. I was trying to get SuSE 10.0 or 10.1 to run in graphical mode on an IBM NetVista 8303-52U and 8307 which had a newer version of the BIOS which does not apperantly have the necessary depth modes. It was a real pain as the BIOS versions on IBM's web site were newer (yes even the oldest one) than the one I needed luckily I found a machine with the old BIOS so everything worked. A google search led me to the solution even though it was mentioning a Dell BIOS problem it worked for IBMas well ... and both of these companies support running linux on their hardware which is what I find strange.... Why are the depths different Linux is 4 8 15 and 24 while Windows is 8 16 and 32 strange... I hope this helps someone else it took me a considerable amount of time to get over this hump. Good luck! George