9 Sep
9 Sep
On Monday 09 September 2002 10:37 am, Joe & Sesil Morris (NTM) wrote:
I am trying to get aptget going on my home machine (8.0), and then trying to get synaptic, but so far no go. I am caught in a catch 22. I installed the version recommended (0.5.4), and libapt-0.3.19, but aptget complains apt obsoletes libapt. apt-get install synaptic doesn't work because it needs libapt-pkg.so.3.1, which is in libapt. apt-get install libapt says it would uninstall apt, apt devel, and apt-howto. Should I just install .3.19 version of apt?
The simplest thing is to uninstall the 0.5 rpm and install the 0.3 one, so that they coincide. I haven't seen any sign of libapt 0.5 yet. HTH Kevin