2009/1/31 Basil Chupin <blchupin@iinet.net.au>:
Just to be sure, do not allow YaST/zypper (or even smart) to update your (32-bit) 11.1 installation of OpenOffice to the latest version - leave it at
I allowed zypper to update it this morning and now I have one big f***-up, and lost the ability to run OpenOffice.
I've spent the past 9 hours trying to figure out how to get my working OO back and the only conclusion I have now come to is for me to use 'rpm -e OpenOffice*' and reinstall from the DVD (with the BuildService STABLE for OO *disabled* in the repos).
Now your mileage re this may vary and you may even have had no problems with YaST updating your OO on your system - which is fine. But if you are yet to update OO then watch out for the list of the dependency errors, and then simply do not attempt to update OO.
Please post the link to the bug that you filed so that I can triage it. Thanks. -- Dotan Cohen http://what-is-what.com http://gibberish.co.il א-ב-ג-ד-ה-ו-ז-ח-ט-י-ך-כ-ל-ם-מ-ן-נ-ס-ע-ף-פ-ץ-צ-ק-ר-ש-ת ا-ب-ت-ث-ج-ح-خ-د-ذ-ر-ز-س-ش-ص-ض-ط-ظ-ع-غ-ف-ق-ك-ل-م-ن-ه-و-ي А-Б-В-Г-Д-Е-Ё-Ж-З-И-Й-К-Л-М-Н-О-П-Р-С-Т-У-Ф-Х-Ц-Ч-Ш-Щ-Ъ-Ы-Ь-Э-Ю-Я а-б-в-г-д-е-ё-ж-з-и-й-к-л-м-н-о-п-р-с-т-у-ф-х-ц-ч-ш-щ-ъ-ы-ь-э-ю-я ä-ö-ü-ß-Ä-Ö-Ü -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse+help@opensuse.org