Is it possible to have viruses in linux? never heard of that before! Carl William Spitzer IV <cwsiv@juno.com> wrote:This is a comprehensive anti-virus defense system for Linux workstations. The program is compatible with all of the most popular Linux versions. http://linux.tucows.com/internet/preview/251301.html
As I understand it, Linux is resistant to viruses as long as you don't execute code containing a virus as root. Likewise for trojans. If you want to check for viruses, you can install Antivir/Linux which should be on your distro CDs. You might also want to check for rootkits. Get chkrootkit-0.39a.tgz off of <http://www.chkrootkit.org>. -- JAY VOLLMER JVOLLMER@VISI.COM TEXT REFS DOUBLEPLUSUNGOOD SELFTHINK VERGING CRIMETHINK IGNORE FULLWISE