22 Mar
22 Mar
Op vrijdag 22 maart 2024 23:12:29 CET schreef Carlos E. R.:
How to stitch scanned papers?
I have a map that is larger than my scanners, so I took 3 partial scans. I want to stitch them into one single png file. Google says to use Hugin. I can't.
The thing insists in asking about type of lenses and panosphere mode. Heck, it is flat paper, not a camera!
Is there something that works?
-- Cheers
Carlos E. R. (from 15.4 x86_64 at Telcontar) Use Libreoffice Draw, and export that to pdf. Done that really often, works fine
-- Gertjan Lettink a.k.a. Knurpht openSUSE Board openSUSE Forums Team