Eric Maryniak wrote:
Just a quickie: I read a /. thread on journalled fs's and it said about ReiserFS that:
- no quota support (showstopper in my case) - 2 Gb filesize limit (due to glibc?)
Will this still be the case for Linux 2.4.0-final (or the SuSE variety thereof)?
The developers told me the 2 GB limit had fallen in ReiserFS in 2.4, they just didn't backport that patch yet to 2.2. Don't know about quota. Another one: use the user space nfsd if you want to serve ReiserFS filesystems.
Btw: I use reiserfs at home (suse 6.4) with no problems at all and no perceivable performance loss to ext2 (no increase either) and have had
It's not supposed to make things faster, it's supposed to make things safer. Well, it does make startup faster. If you ever waited for 4 hours(!) for e2fsck to check a big fileserver (120 GB or so) you will LOVE reiserfs.
absolutely no problems with it; the production server (suse 6.3) however still uses ext2 and a reboot after a powerfailure last took ca. 12 minutes (2x20 GB scsi) (with no data loss btw). I use quota on this server and no quota support in reiserfs would be a showstopper moving to suse 7.0/reiserfs...
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