On 08-18-2024 01:17AM, Masaru Nomiya wrote:
In the Message;
Subject : Re: Significant video performance problems after running Flatpack that did not work. Message-ID : <5fe7d282-671f-404d-be24-eae55626b667@gmx.com> Date & Time: Sun, 18 Aug 2024 00:19:38 -0500
[pj] == -pj via openSUSE Users <users@lists.opensuse.org> has written:
[...] MN>>>> Pease check;
MN>>>> $ glxinfo | grep render | grep OpenGL
pj>>> Hi, glxinfo | grep render | grep OpenGL pj>>> OpenGL renderer string: Quadro K600/PCIe/SSE2
MN>> The hardware acceleration has been enabled.
pj> Ok, this is very good to know about for verification.
pj> Do you know of a good way to access 'Qt Quick renderer settings module' pj> in Plasma 6? It is now hidden. Modified ~/.config/kdeglobals by adding pj> # .
pj> #[QtQuickRendererSettings] pj> #SceneGraphBackend=software
pj> Powercycled.
pj> Both entries have now vanished from the file completely. Just curious if pj> I can gain access/install/create the "QT Quick renderer settings module" pj> somehow, for quick adjusts. This could be very helpful across machines.
I couldn't figure it out.
That is ok, it is > kcmshell6 qtquicksettings Suggested leave at auto. OpenGL, Vulkan and software are all options there. What about render loop (2nd option)? Basic, Automatic and Threaded are all options there. Then finally GL Core Profile - Force is unticked. I discovered that 'Desktop Effects', Cube, TV Glitch were not working 🫥also. Reenabled kwin, compositing was off, powercycled. Desktop Effects working again now.
This means "Hardware Acceleration is enabled", nevertheless, why do you say that it is not enabled?
Seemed to not be enabled because of performance, applets erasing and messages in P6 (system monitor).
pj> Tumbleweed installed with KDE Plasma 6. Reinstalled all Nvidia drivers, pj> powercycled and still no accelerated display.
pj> Hi, I have installed Flathub and a Flatpack (Total Chaos...game) pj> The game basically halted the machine to the point of Alt+SysRq pj> reisub .
What makes you think that this comes from the video driver?
Is there enough space on the hdd?
Yes, I believe so > https://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/b71381981a83